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Gruber LLC

Earth Provides.

Gruber LLC - July 2019

Earth Provides


In collaboration with the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Fox Valley and the Appleton Police Department, Irineo has worked to create a mural with a group of students as part of a larger three week community service initiative. These murals are part of Irineo's goals as an artist and member of the community because he is able to reach back to youth that might be at risk of not graduating. The Summer of Service murals are lasting marks on the Appleton community. More importantly, these kids will always be able to look at them and say they have done something good here, no matter what road they travel in life. 

Summer of service

Here and There

Appleton Bicycle Shop

Summer 2019

She Was Unstoppable

The Grand Meridian

Summer 2018

oshkosh into the night

summer 2019

Into the night

Bazaar After Dark

Bazaar After Dark

bazzar after dark

The Bazaar After Dark was an event that kicked off the beginning of my story in Appleton. With a 3000 some people in attendance the energy was unbelievable. There were artists, musicians, food trucks, drinks and so much more. The "Love" mural I completed was just a piece of this large event. 

The mural is an effort to uplift my community and bring us as people together in such trying times. 

Shoutout to PULSE and Fox Communities Credit Union for making this possible. 


Donner Hall

Donner Hall Mural Project

Donner Hall Mural Project

Lucid Friends

Birthed out of makeshift studios in attics, basements and anywhere in between, the Lucid Friends assemble under an undeterred dedication to a life in which they do what comes naturally: create. The four artists, Joseph Roethel, Esai Medina, Lukas Bagemehl, and Charles O’Connell, all hail from Sheboygan Wisconsin but are currently residing in the central  and southern part of the state. The friends have a wide variety of talents; they are printmakers, muralists, digital artists and much more. Please, indulge in the visuals throughout. L.F

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